1、“Taiwan New Cinema and its Legacy.”In Song Hwee Lee and Julian Ward. Eds. The Chinese Cinema Book. London: Palgrave Macmillian, 2011. pp.131-141.
4、“Trapped Freedom and LocalizedGlobalism.”In Paul Pickowicz and Zhang Yijun. Eds. From Underground to Independent: AlternativeFilm Culture in Contemporary China. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2006.
6、“Objectivity or Objectification? ”In Cornelia Moore. Ed. ChangingRepresentations of Minorities: East and West. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1996. 5pages.
7、“Revolution, Destruction, and CulturalNihilism.”In Ronald Bogue and Marcel Cornis-Pope. Eds. Violence and Mediation. Albany: StateUniversity of New York Press, 1996. 25 pages.
8、“Can Xue: What Is So Paranoid in HerWritings? ” In Lu Tonglin. Ed. Gender and Sexuality in Twentieth-Century Literature and Society. Albany: State University of New York Press,1993. 20 pages.
9、“Red Sorghum: Limits of Transgression. ”In Kang Liu and Xiaobing Tang. Eds. Politics, Ideology and Literary Discourse in Modern China. Durham: Duke University Press, 1993. 21pages.
10、“How Can You Tell a Girl From a Boy?:Uncertain Sexual Boundaries in The Price of Frenzy.” InBill Burgwinkle Ed. Significant Others:Gender and Literature East and West. Manoa: University of Hawaii, 1993. 12 pages.
2、ConfrontingModernity: Contemporary Cinema in Taiwan and Mainland China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. 246 pages
3、Misogyny,Cultural Nihilism, and Oppositional Politics: Contemporary Chinese ExperimentalFiction. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1995.235 pages
4、Roseand Lotus: Narrative of Desire in France and China.Albany: SUNY Press, 1992.
2013-14 985 文科建设专项资金 80万
2009 Resident Fellowship at the Universityof California Humanities Research, Institute,Grant for workshop
2008-2012 Social Sciences and Humanities ResearchCouncil,Canada,Grantfor workshop
2007 SocialSciences and Humanities Research Council,Canada, Grantfor workshop
2004-2007 SocialSciences and Humanities Research Council,Canada,Individual Research Grant
2001 Boursede recherche du haut niveau du Ministère de l’éducation de France(French Ministry of Education High LevelResearch Grant,declined because of sickness)
1993-1994 SeniorResearch Fellowship,Center for Chinese Studies,University of California, Berkeley
1993 AsianCultural Council Fellowship (division de Rockefeller Brothers Funds)
1991-1992 HarvardMellon Postdoctoral Faculty Fellowship
1、“Zhu Shenghao: Shakespeare Translatorand a Shakespearean Tragic Hero in Wartime
China. ” ComparativeLiterature Studies (Fall, 2012, Vol.49). Pp.521-536.(A&HCI来源期刊)
2、“A Cinematic Parallax View: TaiwaneseIdentity and the Japanese Colonial Past.” Positions: East Asia Culture Critique (Winter/2011)19/3.(A&HCI来源期刊)
3、“Introduction to Chinese Perspective onZizkek.” Positions:East Asia Culture Critique (11/2011)19/3.( A&HCI来源期刊论文专辑,独著,应邀主编)
4、“New ‘Diary ofa Madman’ in Post-Mao Global Capitalism.” China Review. (10/2010)
5、“Introduction to Transnational AsianCinema.” ChinaReview (10/2010) (A&HCI来源期刊论文专辑,独著,应邀主编)
6、“Melodrama, Broken Homes, and a ChineseVersion of the American Dream.” Tamkiang Review, 38.2 (6/2008).
8、“Toward a Trans-textual,Interdisciplinary, Cross-cultural, and Transmodern Community.” Transtext(e)s/Transcultures, Spring 2006. pp.41-52.
9、“Fantasy and Ideology in a ChineseFilm: A Žižekian Reading of theCultural Revolution.” Positions: East Asia Culture Critique.pp. 539-64, (Fall 2004). (A&HCI来源期刊)
10、“Music and Noise: Chinese IndependentFilm and Globalization.” China Review. pp. 57-76, (Spring 2003).(A&HCI来源期刊)
11、“The Zhang Yimou Model.” Journal of ModernLiterature in Chinese. (1) 2000. 25 pages.
14、“L'Enfance, lamaturité, et la mort: la Formation d'une identité nationale problématisée. ” Cinémas, Spring, 1993. 15 pages(“Childhood, Maturity, and Death : the Formation of a Problematicnational Identity”)